Sekonic's new LITEMASTER PRO L-478DR meter is the world's first touch-screen-operated light meter. It has an array of unique, must-have features for both still and motion story tellers. Its compact size is both instantly familiar and comfortable to use. The large LCD (2.7") displays ambient, flash, cine and a host of other information in a clear and understandable way. Settings are made by simply touching or sliding a finger over the screen.
The L-478DR can be quickly calibrated to your camera using Sekonic's Data Transfer software and either Sekonic or X-Rite Brand targets or by manually inputting data to the DTS program or on the meter itself.
Keeping pace with wireless advancements, the L-478DR comes complete with exclusive PocketWizard® ControlTL® technology which combines light measurement and flash power control providing amazing control in your hand.
For Still Photographers
- Full featured Ambient-Flash modes including new T-F mode. Measure, compare, and mix ambient and flash displayed on a color, touch screen for beautiful, controlled, results.
- DTS Exposure Profiling matches the meter to the performance of your camera (requires separate Sekonic or X-rite exposure targets and 5-degree finder for L-478). Precise exposure and lighting starts with precise, repeatable metering.
For Filmmakers
- Cine/HD Cine modes for today's HDSLR and Video Cine cameras. Effortlessly switch between HDSLR and Cine for exact exposure settings in exact increments for both.
- Infinite frame rate and shutter angle selection. Create special settings for special applications. Video cine cameras are becoming boundless. Metering should be too.
- Unique, light-source filtration compensation mode. Finally, precise control lighting using industry standard CTO/CTB/ND types at the touch of a finger.
- Illumination measurement and extended ISO range. Lighting design and exposure in a single tool. ISO and exposure settings to match today's digital cameras.
Wireless Triggering
- PocketWizard triggering and Flash Power Setting w/ControlTL radios. Control Nikon, Canon and select studio flashes with a touch of a finger.