The Tether Tools Aero Master Pro Tethering Kit streamlines your professional photography workflow. This kit primarily includes a Tether Table Aero Master, Aero ProPad, Aero Cup Holder, Aero SecureStrap, Aero XDC, and three Aero Clip-on Hooks. The Aero XDC holds your external hard drives. You can attach it to the bottom of the table. The Aero ProPad is a specially-formulated memory foam material that prevents your tethering gear from slipping from the surface. Attach the Aero Cup Holder to the Tether Table Aero to hold beverages. The Aero clip-on hooks and StrapMoore lets you attach additional accessories such as a laptop power adapter, batteries, or charger. With the JerkStopper Aero clip-on support, the tethering cables stays firmly in place. This kit also includes LAJO-4 ProBracket and a Tether Table Aero storage case.