2021 LomoChrome Purple Pétillant has been handcrafted by our charming vignerons to delight the senses, blending exquisite earthy reds, crisp plums and velvety violet hues to give you all the psychedelic purple hues and color-shifting madness, with a sparkling surprise on some frames.
All the ease of a normal color negative with out-of-this-world effects. This LomoChrome film renders unmatched, instantly-recognizable results as they are unlike any other film on the market.
Whether it is at your local lab or at home development, this 35mm film can be processed through standard C-41 color negative processing.
Watch as blue becomes green, green becomes purple and yellow becomes pink as the film color contorts as developed. With it's fine grain standard, you get crisp details, stunning sharpness and that analogue feel. An extended ISO range at 100-400 allows for even more experimentation. Shoot under different lighting conditions for a versatile, vibrant result.
Straight from the Lomography vignobles, our LomoChrome films are lovingly handcrafted using traditional méthodes, plus a touch of savoir-faire, and consequently, each emulsion is a unique millésime with its own particular notes and équilibre. The LomoChrome Purple 2021 is no different and this Grand Cru is sure to delight the senses. With a reduced price, this particular blend is a little pétillant on the nose. You may see minuscule black dots on your frames, depending on your scanning setup, but these can be easily removed post dégustation. Nonetheless, the goût remains as (un)expected – blending exquisite earthy reds, crisp plums and velvety violet hues in a kaleidoscope of color to create a wonderland of unpredictable purple tones that are sure to leave you more than satisfied!
Lomography LomoChrome films are totally unique. With special chemical formulas and trippy emulsion concoctions, we have crafted some of the most experimental and extraordinary films on the market today. Forever committed to the continuation and advancement of analogue photography, we are proud to be one of the only companies still developing fresh, new films for contemporary photographers around the world.
All Lomography Color Negative films require standard C-41 processing. Just nip to your local photo lab and they should be able to process your film no problem.
Film Type | Color negative |
Film Size | 35mm |
Exposures | 36 exposures |
Film Speed | ISO 100-400 |
Film Format | 35mm |
Film Sharpness | Fine Grain |
Brand | Lomography |